Guest Post by Effrosyni Moschoudi

Introducing “The Necklace of Goddess Athena” by Effrosyni Moschoudi

Today, I am pleased to welcome Effrosyni Moschoudi, author of the urban fantasy, The Necklace of Goddess Athena. As of February 1st, the eBook is available for download exclusively on Amazon in Kindle format. Join us as I ask her a series of questions in order to find out more about her and her writing!

The Necklace book cover 533 800Welcome Effrosyni – pleasure to have you here today!

Pleasure is all mines, thank you Meglena!

Why do you write?

A writer writes just like a singer sings and so on. Each person is built in a certain way and I believe it is for a reason but we can’t justify it. Perhaps it’s our life’s purpose, who knows? When I write, it gives me tremendous joy. It’s the only thing I do that makes me lose track of time. They say that when you find that one thing in your life that makes you do that, you should never let it go and of course I don’t intend to.  I have been writing ever since I was a little girl. I didn’t reason then and I don’t reason now. It is a compulsion. This is simply how I am built regardless of what talent I may possess. I think it is the same for every writer.

So, what have you written?

I wrote a lot of poetry in Greek as a child and teenager, then I switched to English in my 20’s when I wrote lots of poetry and song lyrics. I had some poetry published in England back then but only on a very small scale. At some point in my 20’s, I started writing my debut novel but I kept it in the backburner as I worked full time and focused greatly on my career. Once I became unemployed in early 2010, I found the time and the inclination to finish it. Having had my share of rejection letters from literary agents, eventually I took the road of indie publishing last September. I also started blogging one month after that as it soon became clear to me that a blog is one of the most powerful tools an indie author can ever have.

Give me an insight into your main character from your novel. What does he do that is so special?

One of the main characters of The Necklace of Goddess Athena is Phevos. His father used to time travel for Goddess Athena in order to protect Athens from enemies throughout the centuries. At the beginning of the novel, Phevos arrives in modern day Athens from antiquity with his sister, Daphne. Neither of them knows why their father has sent them there. In the beginning of the story they are both confused and worried. Phevos is driven by his love for his mother who disappeared mysteriously when he was a little boy. He is hoping that his father’s secret purpose for sending him in modern day Athens involves finding her. He becomes intrigued by the mystery and he takes the reader away with him on this journey, as his father’s secret purpose is gradually revealed.

What sparked the idea for your book?

I wanted to write a book about Greece and its people. It soon evolved into a story that was all about the famous Greek triptych: “Country-God-Family”. Ask any Greek and they will tell you that their whole life revolves around these three. I guess what drove me was my desire to try and explain what it feels to be Greek, why we remain so resilient and faithful in the face of disaster and tragedy, where we draw strength from. Once I had Efimios fully formed in my head, all the other characters and their situations derived from there effortlessly.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

On the aspect of writing, my advice is simple: ‘Follow your instinct’. We shouldn’t be thinking what others will say when they read our book. We should write for ourselves. This is where passion and truth lie and without them, the text can never come alive and become emotions that will sweep readers off their feet.

On the aspect of promotion, first of all, I advise authors to do a thorough research – there is an abundance of resources out there – know your tools! Also, approach other authors with courtesy and be helpful. Don’t seek to be helped before you become useful yourself. People respond to kindness and thoughtfulness. Concentrate on Twitter and Facebook for your promotions, especially the first! Last, blog at least 3 times a week but don’t just talk shop! Speak also about you as a person! In my own experience, people respond mostly to useful tips and personal accounts/feelings from the author’s personal life.

Do you read much and if so, who are your favorite authors?

Up until last year I used to read a lot of historical fiction, thrillers and chicklit. These days, I concentrate on assisting fellow indie authors so I read their books, mainly in order to review them. Some of my favourites among famous authors include Dan Brown, Kate Morton, Rosamunde Pilcher, Steven King, Catherine Webb and Rachel Hore.

What do you do to get book reviews?

I am still in the beginning but so far, all the reviews I got, I got them painlessly. They came either from readers who bought my book and then contacted me to talk about it, or they were fellow authors who agreed to read each other’s books in return for an honest review. It is really easy to approach an indie author and ask them that and when I expressed this desire, I got more offers that I could take on. There are of course sites that accept applications for books to be read by a reviewer and also a couple of book clubs spring to mind that will get your book reviewed by their members if you care to give a free copy or if you are willing to read some books yourself. Last, some authors list other authors on their sites who take on books for reviews. It’s pretty easy to find takers whichever way you decide to go!

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Effrosyni Moschoudi Blog

Effrosyni’s Blog page!

I welcome your readers to visit my blog where they will find articles on a variety of subjects.

There are travel articles, book reviews, author interviews, tips for authors as well as some inspiring articles about some personal experiences in my life.

As previously mentioned, I share with my readers the real person that holds the writing pen! If you are an author and struggling with getting new followers, try it but speak in all honesty – people respond to the truth more than anything else.

Introducing The Necklace of Goddess Athena by Effrosyni Moschoudi

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Suitable for: All ages



Efimios is an ancient Greek and an unsung hero of Athens. He has saved the city countless times by undertaking time-travelling missions as instructed by Goddess Athena herself. Now an elderly man, he sends his son Phevos and his adopted daughter Daphne on a time-travelling quest to modern-day Athens. Mysterious as always, he only advises his children to look out for the signs without offering any explanations. Mystified, yet eager to obey their father’s will, Phevos and Daphne settle down in this new world, having been offered assistance by two orphaned siblings: Ksenia and Manos. New friendships and romantic love change their lives while their father’s covert purpose is gradually revealed. As the youngsters continue to unravel the secrets of their family past, inevitably they get caught up in the ongoing conflict between two Gods, one of which becomes their protector and the other, their worst nemesis. Who will prevail when the rival Gods meet again and will the mortal bystanders survive to tell the tale?


frosso pic1Effrosyni Moschoudi was born and brought up in Athens, Greece. She has a BSc in Computer Science and has worked for large companies for twenty years, mainly in the hotel and airline business. Her work background has been diverse and has mainly involved computer support, customer service and aircraft material purchasing. She has been writing since childhood. She lives in a quaint seaside town near Athens with her husband Andy and a naughty cat called Felix. She is passionate about books and movies and dedicates sufficient time on her weekends to enjoy a bit of both.

On Effrosyni’s Blog (aka The Public Diary of a Greek Dreamer), the reader will find posts on various subjects. There are tips for authors, travel articles, inspiring personal accounts, references to the Law of Attraction, book reviews, author interviews and cover reveals.

Effrosyni’s debut novel, The Necklace of Goddess Athena, is an urban fantasy. It is about two time travelers who arrive in modern-day Athens with a purpose that is secret even to themselves. As of February 2014, the book is available for download exclusively on Amazon in Kindle (.mobi) format.

The novel has received a perfect 5-star rating by the Fantasy & SciFi Network website. An excerpt of the book’s first 2 chapters is currently available for download FREE of charge at Goodreads.

Currently, Effrosyni is writing The Lady of the Pier, a historical novel with a paranormal twist that is set in Brighton (England) in the 1930’s and in Corfu (Greece) in the 1980’s. It is a haunting, tragic love story that highlights the immense popularity of the West Pier in Brighton back in its heyday, before its regrettable decline that began after WWII. The novel will be published in two parts. The first part, The Ebb, will be published in the summer of 2014. Effrosyni is currently penning the concluding part, The Flow, which she hopes to publish too by the end of the same year.

Connect with Effrosyni:

  1. Blog:
  2. FB Book page:
  3. FB Author page:
  4. Twitter:
  5. Goodreads:
  6. Google +:
  7. LinkedIn:
  8. Book Trailer:

Purchase Links:

  1. Amazon (US):
  2. Amazon (UK):


  1. 5 star review on the Fantasy/SciFi Network
  2. 4.5 star review on Alllthingsbookie

13 thoughts on “Guest Post by Effrosyni Moschoudi

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