
Meglena Ivanova . . .

312180066_514498230683759_521660793751233759_n I am a passionate children’s book author with three published books under my belt (Little Tales with Big Lessons, Nicole’s Pre-Kindergarten Journey and The Legend of the Moonstone). Writing for children has allowed me to cultivate a deep understanding of their interests, developmental needs, and narrative preferences. This experience has honed my ability to craft engaging and age-appropriate content that resonates with young readers.

ABOUT ME… and my thoughts…

In order to introduce myself the best way I have to answer the question – The best part of being a writer is…

escaping into your own world, enjoying the silence in the midst of creation and expressing your deepest thoughts is the best part about being a writer for me, also is allowing the mind to create what others will read. The peace of silence when alone with our thoughts. Channeling the words from a higher source. Knowing our words inspire, educate, and change the world.

I write because I can. I choose to do it because I had characters walking around in my head and it can get crowded. In order to get them out I write them down. I love when the characters and setting are so real that the readers write and ask you where that town is located. They want to visit. I also love when something comes out of my brain that I never would have thought of consciously.
Bringing the reader into a world that they could never experience otherwise, yet keeping reality at the very heart. Moving the words around, changing the words, playing with the language until it “feels right” and you know that just this once you’ve beaten the odds. The freedom to create works that are free of fact or fiction. To praise or condemn. To show love and/or hate. Free from the perceived constrains of convention on what is or what should be. Free from the constraints of acceptability or even credibility! To write that which is loved, or that which is vilified. A freedom that knows no bounds save those placed there by the writer themselves.

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Oh my goodness Shakuita, wow, I don’t know what to say! Thank you so much, I am very honored and humbled to receive this nomination, you are very kind 🙂 A good place to start is ‘Thank You’ so very much, not only for this wonderful Award but also for being such a wonderful support to me and my blog! 🙂

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