A MOMENT TO SHARE with Marie Lavender

It’s not really a secret that I have a soft spot for books and their authors, but a great storytellers like Marie Lavender are definitely a particular weakness of mine.

Everyone, please welcome Marie Lavender to my interview section and feel free to comment after the interview. 🙂 She will share with us some insides on her process and her inspirations. Hope that everyone will enjoy this interview. 🙂

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  • So Marie, tell me a little about yourself and your background? What were you like at school? Were you good at English? What are your ambitions for your writing career? Which writers inspire you? 

I live in the Midwest with my family and three cats. I’ve been writing for over twenty years, really since the age of nine. I would have to say that in school, I was a fairly average student, but English was one of my favorite subjects. I majored in Creative Writing in college. I was a much better student there for some reason. LOL.

My writing ambitions? I’m looking forward to writing and publishing the Witches of Moon-haven Series, a group of six books about a coven of witches. It will be historical romance/fantasy series. Another future ambition is that I’d like to see one of my books in a major bookstore someday, but with the prevalence of eBooks, I may have to adjust that dream a bit. We’ll see.

Some writers who inspire me are Nora Roberts, Kris Tualla, Chloe Neill and J.R. Ward.

  • What was your life like before becoming an author? 

Ah, it was pretty normal, I suppose. I juggled writing part-time while taking on various jobs, and spending time with my family.

  • Which comes first? The character’s story or the idea for the novel? 

It depends on the book. Some of them start as general ideas, while others begin in the midst of a scene, with dialogue or as the character is developing. But, either way, that crumb has enormous potential.

  • When did you decide to become a writer?

I was a child, about the age of nine when I decided I wanted to be a ‘novelist’, as I put it then. Stories played out in my head, and it just seemed natural to write them all down.

  • Why do you write?

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    Marie Lavender’s Website

I write because I can’t imagine doing anything else as a career. When I’m in the middle of writing a story, the scene is playing out in my head and the characters are really coming to life, it’s hard to describe it but nothing else will ever bring me that kind of freedom. This is what I’m meant to do; I just know it in my gut.

  • So, what have you written?

I’ve written all kinds of stories, but I have published 22 books in the genres of historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, fantasy, mystery/thriller, literary fiction and poetry.

  • Where can people buy or see them?
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Marie Lavender’s Goodreads Page

Most of my books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, via my publisher Solstice Publishing, CreateSpace and through Smashwords. And they can add my books to their TBR lists on Goodreads.

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A few of Marie Lavender’s Books

  • Give me an insight into your main character of your last book. What does he/she do that is so special?

Dana Nelson is an independent woman, a lawyer just in town for a business trip. But during the trip, she doesn’t expect to run into her ex. What really makes her character is how she deals with this surprise and the way she confronts how she still feels about Vincent.

  • What sparked the idea for your books? 

Tough question. I guess they all come from different places, either from my experiences or something I genuinely wanted to write about. Other book ideas come virtually out of nowhere, it seems, until I really start digging into who a character is. At that point, the character is real to me, no longer just a figment of my imagination.

  • How do you market your books?

I do whatever I can to spread the word about my books, from promotion via blog interviews, guest posts or radio interview, ads on book sites, sending ARCs to professional reviewers, connecting with new readers in author events, and running occasional giveaways of my books.

  • Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?

Don’t be afraid to try something new, and definitely don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You never know if a certain marketing technique will really result in big success. But, you can’t know unless you at least try.

  • What do you do to get book reviews?

I usually submit ARCs to professional reviewers or book bloggers. If they’re interested, they’ll review the book. For the rest of my reviews, those are left by my readers.

  • What advice do you have for someone who wants to become a published writer?

Up front, know that it’s a lot of hard work, and a heartbreaking journey at times. So, if you’re going to do it, establish WHY you’re getting into in the first place. Be sure you absolutely love writing, that you’ve fallen in love with your characters and your story, and you believe that this is what you’re meant to do. If you’re getting into it to get rich, be prepared for disappointment, or at least for it to take a very long time to get there. Any creative endeavor is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but should be pursued with passion, dedication, and determination. Persistence and perseverance are good traits to have. A lot of writers give up too early.

  • Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
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Marie Lavender’s Twitter Page

I have several series’ books out right now that readers might want to take a look at! Some of them are the Heiresses in Love Series, the Magick Series and the Blood at First Sight Series.

  • How can readers discover more about you and your work?

A good place is my website, or more specifically the ‘my books’ page, which lists everything I’ve ever published. Readers can also follow my three blogs, or find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. They can follow my Amazon author page as well, for updates on book releases. Another good source is to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, where readers can get exclusive news on anything involving me or my books!

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | Smash words | Goodreads | Blog Spot 1 | Blog Spot 2 

It was a great privilege for me to get to interview Marie Lavender, who has inspired me in many different ways. Thank you Marie!!! Good Luck with everything! 

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